NATS.jl - NATS client for Julia.

NATS.jl allows to connect to NATS cluster from Julia and use patterns like publish-subscribe, request-reply, and queue groups.


NATS is not a reliable communication protocol by design. Just like raw TCP connection it provides just at most once message delivery guarantees. For reliable communication you need to implement message acknowledgements in client applications or use JetStream protocol build on top of NATS.

Architecture overview

Each connection creates several asynchronous tasks for monitoring connection state, receiving messages from server, publishing messages to server. Flow is like this:

  1. Connect method is called
  2. Task for monitoring connection state is created
  3. Above task spawns two more tasks for inbound and outbound communication
  4. If any of tasks fails monitoring task tries to reconnect by spawning them again

Those tasks should be scheduled on interactive threads to ensure fast responses to server, for instance, in case of PING message. To not block them tasks handling actual processing of subscription messages are ran in :default threadpool. Implication of this to ensure everything works smoothly user should do one of things:

  • start julia with at least one interactive thread, see --threads option
  • ensure all handler methods are not CPU intensive if ran with single thread

Interrupt handling

Graceful handling of interrupt is important in scenario of deployment to kubernetes cluster to handle pods auto scaling. There are several issues with Julia if it comes to handling signals:

  1. by default when SIGINT is delivered process is exited immediately, this can be prevented by calling Base.exit_on_sigint with false parameter.
  2. even when this is configured interrupts are delivered to all tasks running on thread 1. Depending on --threads configuration this thread might run all tasks (when --threads 1 which is default) or it can handle tasks scheduled on interactive threadpool (with --threads M,N where N is number of interactive threads).

To workaround this behavior all tasks started by NATS.jl are started inside disable_sigint wrapper, exception to this is special task designated to handling interrupts and scheduled on thread 1 with sticky flag set to true, what is achieved with @async macro. Limitation to this approach is that tasks started by user of NATS.jl or other packages may start tasks that will intercept InterruptException may ignore it or introduce unexpected behavior. On user side this might be mitigated by wrapping tasks functions into disable_sigint, also entrypoint to application should do this or handle interrupt correctly, for instance by calling NATS.drain to close all connections and wait until it is done.

Future improvements in this matter might be introduced by open PR

Current NATS.jl approach to handling signals is based on code and discussions from this PR.

List of all environment variables

ENV variableUsed inDefault if not setDescription
NATS_AUTH_TOKENconnectnothingClient authorization token
NATS_CONNECT_URLconnectlocalhost:4222Connection url, multiple urls to the same NATS cluster can be provided, for example nats:://localhost:4222,tls://localhost:4223
NATS_DRAIN_POLL_INTERVAL_SECONDSconnect0.2Interval in seconds how often drain will check if all buffers are consumed.
NATS_DRAIN_TIMEOUT_SECONDSconnect5.0Maximum time (in seconds) drain will block before returning error
NATS_ENQUEUE_WHEN_DISCONNECTEDconnecttrueAllows buffering outgoing messages during disconnection
NATS_IGNORE_ADVERTISED_SERVERSconnectfalseIgnores other cluster servers returned by server
NATS_JWTconnectnothingThe JWT that identifies a user permissions and account
NATS_MAX_PINGS_OUTconnect3How many pings in a row might fail before connection will be restarted
NATS_NKEYconnectnothingThe public NKey to authenticate the client
NATS_NKEY_SEEDconnectnothingthe private NKey to authenticate the client
NATS_PASSconnectnothingConnection password, can be also passed in url nats://john:passw0rd@localhost:4223 but env variable has higher priority
NATS_PEDANTICconnectfalseTurns on additional strict format checking, e.g. for properly formed subjects
NATS_PING_INTERVALconnect120.0Interval in seconds how often server should be pinged to check connection health
NATS_RECONNECT_FACTORconnect5.0Exponential reconnect delays configuration
NATS_RECONNECT_FIRST_DELAYconnect0.1Exponential reconnect delays configuration
NATS_RECONNECT_JITTERconnect0.1Exponential reconnect delays configuration
NATS_RECONNECT_MAX_DELAYconnect5.0Exponential reconnect delays configuration
NATS_RECONNECT_RETRIESconnect220752000000000000Exponential reconnect delays configuration
NATS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECONDSrequest5.0Time how long request will block before returning error
NATS_RETAIN_SERVERS_ORDERconnectfalseChanges connection url selection policy from random to sequence they were provided.
NATS_RETRY_ON_INIT_FAILconnectfalseIf set to true connect will not throw and error if connection init fails, but will continue retrying in background returning immediately connection in CONNECTING state.
NATS_SEND_BUFFER_LIMIT_BYTESconnect2097152Soft limit for buffer of messages pending. If too small operations that send messages to server (e.g. publish) may throw an exception
NATS_SUBSCRIPTION_CHANNEL_SIZEsubscribe524288How many messages waiting for processing subscription buffer can hold, if it gets full messages will be dropped.
NATS_SUBSCRIPTION_ERROR_THROTTLING_SECONDSsubscribe5.0How often subscription handler exceptions are reported in logs
NATS_TLS_CA_PATHconnectnothingPath to CA certificate file if TLS is used
NATS_TLS_CERT_PATHconnectnothingPath to client certificate file if TLS is used
NATS_TLS_KEY_PATHconnectnothingPath to client private certificate file if TLS is used
NATS_TLS_REQUIREDconnectfalseForces TLS connection. TLS can be also forced by using url with tls scheme, example tls://localhost:4223
NATS_USERconnectnothingConnection username, can be also passed in url nats://john:passw0rd@localhost:4223 but env variable has higher priority
NATS_VERBOSEconnectfalseTurns on protocol acknowledgements